Successfully leased

Congratulations to trainers Buddy and Vanessa Brown of Derby Hill Farm on the lease of “Santo” for one of their clients. This horse is a true champion.

Congratulations also to Madeline Twomey on the lease of “Sweet Sensation,” a well-loved and very special pony that belongs to fellow Chestnut Hill rider Kaylin Faidi.  Good luck to everyone!

Welcome new client Kristin Loewenthal

A big welcome to new client, Kristin Loewenthal who recently moved to Chestnut Hill along with her three horses. Pictured above is “Corinthian” who will compete in the Pre-Green division with assistant trainer John Wohr and in the Adult Amateur hunter division with Kristin this year.  Stay tuned  for updates and photos of Kristin’s other two horses – Juvel and Tigre!

Results for HITS Thermal are up!

Congratulations to all riders, horses and ponies who competed in the HITS Thermal show this year!  Thermal week IV saw Chestnut Hill riders capture championships in the Adult Amateur Hunter 36 – 45, Child Hunter 13 & Under, Pony Equitation, and Equitation 11 & Under divisions, and Reserves in Modified Junior Hunter and Adult Equitation 46 & Over divisions. Tylor Nowell won the “Best Rider – Child” award, along with the THIS National Child Medal and the M&S/NAL Child Hunter Classic.

Thermal Week V was equally impressive.  Chestnut Hill divisional championships and reserves included Pony Equitation, Schooling Pony Hunter, Equitation 11 & Under, Large Pony Hunter, Adult Amateur Hunter 36 – 45, and Adult Equitation 46 & Over.

Check out all the Thermal results by going to the Chestnut Hill LLC website, and clicking on “Results” in the navigation bar.